This online exhibition was produced through the Virtual Museum of Canada's Virtual Exhibits Investment Program. The Virtual Museum of Canada is administered by the Canadian Museum of History with financial support from the Government of Canada.
This virtual exhibition is a production of
Project manager: Marie-Claude Letarte
Preparation and drafting of texts:
Laurie Belhumeur
Katy Crépeau
Éric Graillon
Valérie Roy
Scientific validation:
Adrian Burke
Claude Chapdelaine
François Courchesne
Éric Graillon
Michel Lamothe
Pierre Richard
Graphic design:
Caroline Louiset
Marc Decourt
Multimedia animation: Marc Decourt
Programming: Multimage
Proofreading: Manon Lebeau
Language review: Stevenson - Master Translators
Translation: Stevenson - Master Translators
Thank you to the Université de Montréal's archaeology students and professors, and members of the Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Science who have collaborated on this virtual exhibition by answering various assessment surveys.
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